I listened to a presentation by Chicago Title Canada a couple of weeks ago & learned a bunch of stuff that I didn't know, so I thought I'd share some of my key takeaways here for you!
First of all, what IS title insurance?
It's an insurance policy that protects residential or commercial property owners & their lenders against losses related to the property's title or ownership. Most purchase the policy through their lawyer (typically when closing on a property) with a one-time premium in the range of $250-$500. You can read a more detailed description & what a policy may include/exclude HERE & the Ontario Government has a good general knowledge booklet HERE as well.
There are 2 types of policies available - a Lender's policy & an Owner's policy - 1 protects the lender's interest in the property & the other, the owner's. Full coverage = 2 policies!
Title insurance is NOT mandatory in Canada but a Lender may require you to purchase a Lender's policy in order to get a mortgage from them.
Chicago Title put on this presentation for our legal forum in light of recent highly publicized vendor fraud cases. They are the policy issuers for the first case that came to light - reminders of the story details HERE & the blog post I wrote about fraud HERE
Chicago Title has been in the business for 70yrs & is one of the top 4 insurers in North America with aprox 20% of the market share. When they looked through their records between the 1960's & 2019 they could only find evidence of 2 frauds having taken place (impacting their clients) during that timeframe. From 2019 to present day there are almost 100! That is just their company!
They are actively lobbying stakeholders like the Land Registry, the Mortgage Industry, the Attorney General, and all the various regulatory bodies involved in real estate & mortgage transactions to improve ID authentication.
ID is garbage. My phone won’t let me in unless it recognizes my face…and that’s just to use my phone. So why then can I buy a house with 2 pieces of plastic that are easily faked? With the amount of technology that is available in 2023, that that is what we are relying on is crazy & we can’t rely on it anymore. -John Rider, SVP, Chicago Title
The title industry is covering all the losses - in the billions of dollars, & it's just not sustainable when they're selling policies at $500 a pop!
Some insurers have stopped doing private lender deals over $500k - it's not that they're bad - the stress test has pushed many buyers from conventional to private lending out of necessity - it's just that their underwriting standards are significantly different & as a result it can often be easier to perpetrate a fraud with private lending than with a conventional lender.
Everyone's afraid right now. And with good reason!
I mentioned email hacking in my FRAUD blog post, but apparently in the
US there was recently a case of voice hacking in the course of a real estate transaction – voice hacking is where they make it sound like
it’s your voice & give fraudulent information/instructions. They can get your voice from your voice mail greeting or a video you post on social media & then use Deep Fake Voice Cloning to make it seem like a fraudulent message is from a trusted contact or professional – ponder that for a moment! Like is this seriously real life??????
I typically like to include links when I'm writing, to give you, the reader, another credible source for the information that I'm sharing. But on this subject, until recently, no one was talking about it - not consumers who were getting duped & not the Title industry that was covering the losses. But when an industry insider says these things are happening, to a group of industry professionals, I'm going to take their word for it & help get the message out!
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